Our diversity networks play a key role in our commitment to a fully inclusive workplace
At Look Ahead we want to create a genuinely inclusive workplace, with a culture where colleagues and customers feel they belong and are valued and respected.
It is important to us that our workforce is as diverse as the customers we support. Around 64% of our Operations staff and 38% of our Central Service staff are from culturally diverse groups. Approximately 46% of customers we support are also from these groups.
Last year, in line with our commitment to diversity and inclusion across the organisation, we launched diversity networks for our staff. These networks, run by Look Ahead staff members, are a safe place for colleagues to support each other, discuss issues and promote inclusivity throughout the organisation and beyond.
This gives staff an opportunity to find solutions and help create organisational change, whether through new policies and procedures or other advocacy.
Learn more about each of our diversity networks below.
DisAbility Network
The DisAbility Network is a group run by employees with physical and mental health conditions and/or disabilities, for employees with physical and mental health conditions and/or disabilities.
The aim of this space is to provide a safe environment where staff can speak confidentially about any health experiences, to provide support to one another, to spread awareness, educate and help them feel at home in the workplace.
“Look Ahead is exceptional in empowering customers and staff. I believe that DisAbility Network will be a forum to help staff with ANY form of disability feel heard, included, empowered and part of the company-wide team” – Martin, DisAbility Network Lead
LGBTQ+ Network
We believe everyone should be able to feel at home at Look Ahead. We understand that not everyone’s experiences of being LGBTQ+ at work will be the same, and want to provide a sense of connectedness to the community and a place to feedback ideas on how to make Look Ahead a continually inclusive place to work.
The group helps make sure LGBTQ+ inclusion is embedded across the entire organisation and does amazing work in raising awareness in line with LGBTQ+ awareness dates.
“I know from my personal experience that being out in the workplace can be challenging and I want to make as many people feel comfortable to bring who they are to work as possible” – Jasmine, LGBTQ+ Network Co-Lead
Cultural Diversity Network
The Cultural Diversity Network (CDN) is designed for and run by Look Ahead employees from a variety of racial backgrounds. A diverse set of employees, who are willing to invest their time and energy towards making positive changes within the organisation.
The wellbeing, concerns and opinions of Look Ahead employees is central to the workings of the Cultural Diversity Network and the peer support that its members provide. Hearing how the workplace affects our colleagues in view of race, combined with employee experiences is again central to the networks’ aim of raising awareness.
“It am delighted that we can have events and meaningful conversations about our cultural and ethnic identities. Every employee, irrespective of colour or ethnicity feel valued and each employee’s beliefs and traditions are embraced by the organization” – Akin, Cultural Diversity Co-Lead
Gender Equality Network
Recent news around the rise in domestic violence and safety of women generally has sparked an outpouring of anger, upset and women feeling further concerned about their safety. However it has also been the catalyst for an important conversation around gender equality that needs to take place.
The gender equality network is for anyone that identifies as female or non-binary. The group’s role will be to identify some key objectives to work on for the organisation including issues such as women’s safety, as well as reviewing any barriers to pay equality.
A core piece of this work focuses on customers, empowering women and girls as well as educating and supporting men. The work of Allies is important and the group shares resources that give tips on what we can all do to be a positive bystander and make women feel safer.
In 2020 Look Ahead were awarded the Inclusive Employers Standard Bronze Award for the second year running for our work in Diversity & Inclusion (D&I). Learn more about our approach to diversity and inclusion here.
Want to feel valued? You’ll feel at home here. Learn more about Look Ahead on our careers site and find the role for you. You can also review our 2020 Gender Pay Gap, Cultural Diversity Pay Gap and CEO Multiplier results here.