We will do everything we can to support you as you prepare to move onto more independent living.
A big part of this is about where you will move on to after your time with us. Some people may go on to live at another service that provides less support. Others will go on to live on their own, with or without some extra support from a floating support service.
Different people will have different options for move-on. We know that moving on can be an apprehensive and often worrying time and we will do everything we can to prepare you for this by supporting you every step of the way.
Everyone’s move-on experience is different, but the sections below will give you some idea of what you might expect and how we will help you to make your move on experience a positive one.
Getting ready to move on
Time to move on
The length of time you can stay at your service depends on your support needs and the type of service it is. Some of our services are short-term and only provide support for a number of weeks or months. Others will be much longer term, especially for those with high or a number of needs.
In most of our services, people will receive support for up to two years. This is not set in stone and many people will move on quicker.
Ready to live independently
Through your support sessions, your Support Worker will be spending time encouraging you to think about move on and what you will need to do to get there. They will make sure you are developing the skills and confidence to live more independently and putting you in touch with other organisations that can help you in the long-term.
Usually, as your needs go down, your skills and confidence increase, and you get closer to your goals your support will start to reduce. This means you may meet with your Support Worker less often or you may spend less time with them when you do. Reducing the time you spend with your Support Worker helps to prepare you for move on as you become more independent.
When it is time for you to leave your service, your Support Worker will spend time with you to make sure that you are ready. They will help you to look at what areas you may still need support with and make sure you are in touch with other organisations that can help.
Finding a new place to live
If you are moving from one of our services to living on your own, this may also mean finding a new place to live.
The majority of people moving into their own accommodation will move into housing in the Private Rented Sector (PRS). Most people we work with are not eligible for social (council) housing. However, there may be some exceptions, based on your age, needs and particular circumstances. You can talk about this with your Support Worker who can let you know how you can find out more information.
Wherever you are moving to, we will support you to find and move into the right place for you. Your Support Worker can come with you to view and visit properties, help you find rent deposit schemes or find landlords that will accept Housing Benefit.
We can also help you with practical things for your move – helping you to book removals, set up meter readings or apply for grants for furniture or white goods.
What if things go wrong?
At the time you move on, you should feel confident you have the skills and ongoing support in place to manage independently.
Some people will continue to receive some form of support in their own homes – this is called floating support, and this might be offered by us or another organisation. Others will be linked to other local groups and organisations that can offer help and advice in different areas.
Your Support Worker will make sure you understand who you can contact if your needs change, you have any problems or you need some extra help in the future. We will make sure you know what to do and have all the right contact details.
The majority of our customers move on successfully from our services and on to the next, more independent stage of their lives.
We have worked with both our staff and our customers to give you some guidance about what you can expect when you join our services.
This page is about giving you some information about what you can expect once you start receiving support from us.
Once you have settled into your service you might want to start looking at what else Look Ahead has to offer.