With the cost of living rising, these pages set out some ideas, tips and activities to do that don’t cost the earth. You can do alone, with your support worker or with friends.
This is not a complete list, if you think of others and want to share these please do email [email protected].

What interests you? Reading is a great way to learn more about what you’re most interested in. Losing yourself in a good book is a great way to kill the time; fiction will expand your imagination and non-fiction will expand your knowledge.
Make a film list
There are a number of lists on the internet already that exist that rank the best films in the world, the biggest being the IMDb Top 250. Make your way through the list, or make your own list. Watching a film a day can be a very enjoyable experience or you can even watch with friends remotely.
Learn a skill
There are many, many ways for you to learn new skills online. You can use websites like Codecademy or Udemy to learn digital skills, or you can always learn new skills or gain qualifications by doing online college courses. Most websites will offer both free and paid courses. Here are some examples:
Create something
Get creative. You can write, draw, paint or any number of other things that you can use to express yourself. And creation isn’t just artistry, why not try building something with Lego, or try creating a great new recipe?
Gardening gets you outside for a little while, and, rather than seeing it as work, see it as an opportunity to create a stunning piece of artwork with nature.
If you don’t have a garden, why not consider keeping plants indoors? Some have been shown to improve air quality and reduce mould indoors, or you can grow your own herbs to use in cooking.
Singing can be a great outlet. Singing will not only leave you feeling great, but also has measurable physical and mental health benefits such as a reduction in depression and a alleviate symptoms of lung disease and Parkinson’s.
Have you heard of the Choir with No Name? If you live in London it is worth looking at joining the choir. They rehearse every week and a free meal is included! Check them out here.
Give your time to help others. Charities are always looking for volunteers because that is how they keep themselves running.
Have you ever wanted to help out at an animal shelter, or at a cancer charity? Do some research, find one near you and enquire. Or if you aren’t sure who to help you could contact your local volunteering centre. To find out where the nearest one to you is, click here.
If you have a idea or think of something we’ve missed out, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us at [email protected].