On this page, you will find some useful tips for different aspects of money, including benefit help. If you have any questions, please speak with your Support Worker or Housing Officer.

Advice for debt management
If you are in debt, there are a number of resources available to you, but it’s not necessarily easy to know where to look. Here are just some of the many great charities across the UK that can help support you.
Advice for saving
The best way to save money is to open a savings account. If you have a bank, speak to them about opening a savings account and ask for their advice.
If you are looking for other practical ways to save and avoid debt, speak to your Support Worker or Housing Officer.
Advice for budget management
It would be worth looking into loyalty points at your preferred supermarket. For example, Tesco will offer Clubcard points, which will give you a certain amount of points for each pound you spend. You can use these points at a later date to get money off of future shops, and can also get great bonuses.
You can also subscribe to the supermarket’s newsletters. It comes at no additional cost to you, but they can contain vouchers, coupons and discount codes.
Advice for benefit support
Getting and keeping on top of your benefits can be overwhelming. Luckily there are loads of helpful tools you can use online that can make the process a lot simpler. Take a look at the government website to see if you are eligible, and how much you can claim. Or have a look at citizens advice to make sure you’re getting what’s right for you
Advice for avoiding scams
If you receive any calls or emails from any individual or company asking you for your card details, or telling you that you need to pay them immediately, do not share your details and report them to the appropriate authority. If you aren’t sure about what calls or emails are legitimate or what the appropriate authority is, speak to our staff.
Don’t be pressured by threats of law enforcement, they are likely using this as a way to get your details. Citizen’s Advice has guidance for how to see if something is a scam.
To report a fraud, call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or use their online fraud reporting tool.
If you have a idea or think of something we’ve missed out, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us at [email protected].