Look Ahead has launched two new domestic abuse support services, one in London, and the other in Kent and Medway.
London Domestic Abuse Advice Service (DAAS)
The London-based service, known as London Domestic Abuse Advice Service (DAAS) first opened in February, and offers support to all Look Ahead customers in any London service who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse.
The service is comprised of four Specialist IDVAs (Independent Domestic Violence Advocates) who work with adults and young people who have experienced domestic abuse and are at high risk. The service offers support around key areas including safety planning, accessing a welfare fund, reducing risk, and connecting them with relevant services. The IDVAs can also refer to Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) if the need arises.
London DAAS also brings the additional benefit of raising awareness of hidden domestic abuse through training for all Look Ahead staff teams across our four support specialisms.
Male Independent Domestic Abuse Advocacy Service (MIDAAS)
The Kent-based service — called the Male Independent Domestic Abuse Advocacy Service (MIDAAS) — works with men who have experience of domestic abuse. The service recognises the gender-based needs of men, and that their experiences of domestic abuse, as well as their responses to it may differ from women’s and offers support accordingly.
This support is provided either by an Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) or from a domestic abuse worker depending on a customer’s individual circumstances and current risk level.
Look Ahead’s Head of Service and Domestic Abuse Matrix Lead Lorraine Lawson said:
“I am immensely proud that Look Ahead has opened not one, but two new domestic abuse services this year. It is encouraging that we are now offering support to both women and men across London and in Kent and Medway. In doing so, we are ensuring that our organisation is addressing the challenges of domestic abuse in all its forms, in an approach that is open, inclusive and best of all, effective.”