The 2023 50th Annual Review looks back at highlights from the last year and the work we have done to continue to deliver innovative services to our customers.
It celebrates the progress we have made as an organisation in providing services across our specialisms of Mental Health, Homelessness and Complex Needs, Learning Disabilities and Young People and Care Leavers.
For the first time ever, we have included a highlights section in terms of environmental, social, governance (ESG) and our commitment to adopting the Sustainability Report Standard (SRS) for Social Housing. We will be publishing a summary report of our ESG/SRS data alongside our annual review this year.
Reflecting on the past year, Look Ahead Chief Executive Chris Hampson said “It has been a challenging year for social care providers – with rising inflation, energy costs and the cost of living. Yet in publishing the report and highlights from our 50 years of operation the work we do has never felt more relevant or more needed.
Optimism, pragmatism and resilience continue to embody our response over the last year, whilst partnerships, integration and co-production have continued to be at the forefront services.
I’d like to thank all of our partners, staff and customers for the part they have played in our success over the last year. I have never felt prouder of our organisation.”