Amidst the challenges of this year, our mission and vision has remained unchanged and stronger than ever. We have continued to support over 6,000 people across London and South East with a range of needs, helping them to make individual choices, achieve goals and take control of their own lives.
Look Ahead staff have gone to extraordinary efforts to support our customers during the pandemic. At a time of great uncertainty and anxiety, our staff went above and beyond to continue to provide quality care and support to our customers. For many customers, our staff were their only source of support and their only contacts during the lockdown period.

Chris Hampson, Look Ahead Chief Executive shares “It is clear that in the context of the current pandemic, housing, health and support have never been so important – the need for our work has never been greater.
The need to provide real homes for people where people can stay safe and seek refuge. The need to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the most vulnerable. The need to support those individuals who we sadly know are likely to be disproportionately affected by the impacts of the current pandemic – physically, socially and economically.”

Look Ahead in numbers
- 6,436 number of customers served across our services ranging from learning disabilities, mental health, homelessness and complex needs, young people and care leavers
- 11 new services
- 100% CQC services rated good or outstanding
- 90% of customers satisfied with their Look Ahead service
- 90% of services rated good or outstanding by internal quality management system
You can read more about what we’ve done this year in the report.
To enquire about working with Look Ahead, please contact [email protected].