Colin Winter House
Colin Winter House is a supported living service for older adults with learning disabilities who receive tailored support in line with their individual needs.
- One bedroom in a 3-bed flat
- Ground floor accommodation adapted for mobility needs
- Offers 1:1 or 2:1 person centred approach to support, including waking night support
- Borough nominations only
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Appropriate for:
Older individuals with learning disabilities, autism, mental health needs, communication needs, behaviours which may be described as challenging, can accommodate mobility needs
About the accommodation
Colin Winter House is a supported living service in Tower Hamlets for three older people with learning disabilities. The service is located on a quiet residential road and the vacant flat is on the ground floor of the property. There is a shared kitchen, dining room, lounge, garden, wet room and two toilets. This vacancy also has access to other shared communal facilities available within the block.
About the support
The support at Colin Winter House is tailored to the individual and offers 1:1 or 2:1 support including waking night support. All support is delivered in line with the principles of positive behavioural support and active support. The manager of the service received The Care Home Worker Award at the 2019 Regional Great British Care Awards.
About the area
Colin Winter House is located in a quiet residential road.
- Good access to local shops, places of worship, day centres
- Near the Whitchapel Market
- Walking distance from Victoria Park
- Short walk to Stepney Green station

Great support from staff, we get to do what we want and need and also we are listened to.
Ann, customer
We work closely with commissioners, agencies and families to develop and deliver bespoke support and accommodation offers tailored to individual needs.
You can enquire about a specific property detailed here or submit a general enquiry. Our team are experienced in developing personalised solutions that meet individual, family and commissioner needs.
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